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University College Of Engineering

Kariavattom, Thiruvananthapuram

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Staff Advisory System

Immediately on admission to the college, each student will be assigned to a faculty member called the Staff Advisor for that batch, who will open a student file for personal and academic details. The student and his parent can have frequent interaction with the Staff Advisor. After the release of result of each examination,, the details will be recorded in the student file. The Staff Advisor will record any outstanding performance, or disciplinary action, misbehaviour etc. in the student file.


Students are expected to attend all classes without fail. If for unavoidable reasons, leave of absence is required, permission from competent authority should be sought as given hereunder.

  1. Applications for ordinary leave should be submitted to the Staff Advisor concerned who is competent to sanction leave up to a maximum of 3 days at a time. For periods beyond 3 days at a time, the Head of department will be the sanctioning authority. Application for ordinary leave will not be considered under any circumstances if submitted 7 days after the date of return from leave.

  2. Students may apply to the Head of Department through the Advisor for leave on medical grounds, within 10 working days after returning from leave. A medical certificate should invariably be attached with the application. Records of medical leave sanctioned should be kept by the students. In the event of a student falling short of attendance at the end of a semester, condonation of shortage of attendance will be recommended if he/she produces records to show that leave applied for have been granted in time.

  3. Students are eligible for duty leave if they perform a certain kind of duty for the college Duty leave can be recommended by faculty members who are authorised to do so. Duty leave application should be submitted to the Staff Advisor preferably before performing the duties. The records of duty leave sanctioned should be shown to the respective staff members and got it entered in the attendance register. This must be done before the end of the semester. The respective Advisor also must be informed about the duty leave granted before the end of the semester. The duty is limited to a maximum of 10% of the number of working days in a semester. However, in exceptional cases, prior permission of the principal should be obtained to get duty leave in excess of 10%. Students who do not satisfy the attendance requirements as per University regulations will not be presented for the University Examinations.


  1. All students should be properly and neatly dressed.

  2. The behavior of the students, both within and outside the College premises should be decent and befitting to a professional institution.

  3. The students shall move silently when proceeding from one class to another so as not to disturb classes at work.

  4. No students shall leave the class before the class is dispersed without the permission of the teacher in charge of the class.

  5. Hanging out in the hallways during class hours, even when classes are not in session is not permitted.

  6. Students are prohibited from organizing or attending meetings in the college, disturbing notices and collecting money for any purpose, without the permission of the Principal.

  7. Students shall wear their identity cards around their neck so as to clearly display their identity within the campus and may be required to surrender them on demand by authorities.

  8. Students are responsible for any unwanted activities that occur in their hostel rooms and the shared living spaces.

  9. Students should not remain in their hostel rooms during class hours except on permitted reasons.

  10. Smoking is strictly prohibited anywhere on the campus premises.

  11. Consumption or possession of alcoholic beverages and any form of substance abuse is strictly prohibited and will be severely dealt with.

  12. Any student

    • Who is persistently insubordinate,

    • Who is habitually irregular in attendance or inattentive to his work in the classes.

    • Who is repeatedly or willfully mischievous, or obscene in words or act,

    • Who is guilty of fraud or malpractices at examinations,

    • Who indulges in ragging junior students

Will be liable to be punished according to the decision of the College Council.

  1. Students must work quietly while in library or spend time in such a way as not to cause any interference with the work of others.

  2. Scribbling or etching on drawing boards and desks, writing on the walls etc. are strictly prohibited.

  3. Students are prohibited from displacing articles or furniture from their places in the classrooms or laboratories.

  4. Under any circumstance no student or staff or any one from outside is permitted to enter the classroom while classes are going on without the permission of the staff member concerned.

Last Updated: 11 Aug 2024